Action Drama Prince Gerald Anderson returns in the longest running drama anthology in Asia, "Maalaala Mo Kaya." He is joined by the "PBB Teen Edition 4" ex-housemate hearthrob Kit Thompson.
Gerald plays the role of Jevon, a loving son who seeks justice for his family that was massacred, leaving his father and brother dead while his mother badly injured and siblings in shock.
Gerald plays the role of Jevon, a loving son who seeks justice for his family that was massacred, leaving his father and brother dead while his mother badly injured and siblings in shock.
Will revenge serve its purpose of giving justice to Jevon’s family? Or is forgiveness the key to the start of their family’s healing from the tragedy?
Together with Gerald and Kit Together with Gerald in this July 7 “MMK” episode are Irma Adlawan, Toby Alejar, Yogo Singh, Dindo Arroyo, Yulio Pisk, Carl John Barrameda, Andrei Garcia, Gigi Locsin, Mhyco Aquino and Allyzon Lualhati.
It was researched by Alexandra Mae Martin, written by Benson Logronio, and directed by Nuel Naval. The writer and director of this week’s story are the same with last Saturday’s highly acclaimed ‘Manika’ episode topbilled by Jane Oineza.(
Together with Gerald and Kit Together with Gerald in this July 7 “MMK” episode are Irma Adlawan, Toby Alejar, Yogo Singh, Dindo Arroyo, Yulio Pisk, Carl John Barrameda, Andrei Garcia, Gigi Locsin, Mhyco Aquino and Allyzon Lualhati.
It was researched by Alexandra Mae Martin, written by Benson Logronio, and directed by Nuel Naval. The writer and director of this week’s story are the same with last Saturday’s highly acclaimed ‘Manika’ episode topbilled by Jane Oineza.(